Ridley Scott’s period historical drama “The Last Duel” has premiered its official trailer, as prelude to the movie’s scheduled worldwide release on October 15. The movie is based on Eric Jager’s book “The Last Duel” sub-captioned as “A True Story of Trial by Combat in Medieval France.”
The movie features Ben Affleck and Matt Damon not only as lead actors but also as co-producers alongside Kevin Walsh and Ridley Scott. Moreover, both of actors also took part in the development of the film’s screenplay together with Nicole Holofcener.
The movie was scheduled to film from February to October 2020 in Ireland and France. However, due to the pandemic, 20th Century Studios had to discontinue the ongoing production in March last year. Other actors playing important roles in the movie include Adam Driver who plays Jacques LeGris and Jodie Comer as Marguerite de Carrouges.
”The Last Duel” Plot Summary
The film revolves around a period during the reign of King Charles VI (Ben Affleck) in which he he had to sort out a dispute between a knight named Jean de Carrouges (Matt Damon) and his squire Jacques LeGris (Driver). The dispute was in connection with Marguerite de Carrouges’ accusation that Legris had sexually assaulted her.
However, LeGris denied the accusation while nobody except her husband believed Marguerite’s allegations. In order to settle the Jean de Carrouges challenged LeGris to a duel to death, Which King Charles VI allowed to let God decide by allowing the “truth” to prevail based on the outcome of the duel and whoever outlives the deadly duel. However, if Jean de Carrouges dies as a result, Marguerite will be burned at the stake as consequences of making false accusations against the winner of the duel.
Perhaps the true-to-life story made this particular historic event the last duel ever allowed by England.