There are a lot of insane inventions and cool technologies in science fiction films and series in the past years. If we look at these inventions and technologies of that time and compare it on today’s technology, how absurd are they?

Smartphones and Smart Watches

Even though the old folding phones have completely disappeared now from our daily lives and almost, if not all people use a smartphone with a touch display these days. In the movie “Star Trek”, Captain Kirk made it happen in the 1970s. With his “communicator” he was able to contact the spaceship with the radio. A manufacturer has even launched a “communicator” that works on our planet. Die-hard fans can use the device to make phone calls and as speakers via Bluetooth. At the end of 1960s, the TV series and the movies already presented many innovations and technologies that are already invented today.


Today, you can find a tablet in almost every household. Some uses it for cooking, others are for the children to keep them from bothering the parents and others are using it for working. If we look back a few decades and take a look at the cinema screen, we first saw the tablet back in 1968 in Stanley Kubrick’s “2001: Odyssey in Space,” viewers see the spacemen watching a broadcast of the BBC on a tablet-like device.

A few years later, Star Trek used a similar technology. They called it the PADD which is one of the standard equipment on all Starfleet ships. PADD stands for Personal Access Display Device. As seen on the series, it fulfilled all the tasks that we do today with our tablets at work and leisure such as sending messages, monitoring repairs, submitting applications or reading as in a book. In 2010, the very first tablet was launched. Steve Jobs, the CEO of Apple Inc. that time, developed the iPad and provided us with a bit of science fiction for home use.

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In simple terms, Holography is a method for mapping three-dimensional objects by means of light waves. In this way, representations are created that go beyond the possibilities of classical photography. The holodeck from “Star Trek” forms spaces using the so-called Holoemitters. Not only objects can represent the holoemitters, but also people. Everything that can be seen in the Holodeck can also be perceived haptically by the crew members of the Enterprise. This means that they not only see, hear and smell the representations, but also feel them.

In the same series, they regularly use the Holodeck for relaxation and leisure. They can perform various programs in the Holodeck and replay certain scenarios in their free time. But there are also downsides of the holodecks, it can be addictive. The crew members who spend a lot of time in the holodecks are at risk of becoming addicted to it, such as Reginald Barclay.

VR Glasses

VR glasses are already available and exists today. HoloLens was introduced in 2015. It is a mixed reality goggle made by Microsoft. Those who put on the glasses can immerse themselves in a world of interactive 3-D projections, depicted in the immediate vicinity. The HoloLens does not rely on a computer or smartphone, it works as a head mounted display with its own computer unit. This sets it apart from VR glasses. The loudspeakers and sensors are also integrated into the glasses.